Republiscums discover Santorum has a google problem

PoorRepubliscum and idiot Hillbuzzard. I hope it has given lots of money to our Kevin, he’s being feeling sad and lonely lately.

Good morning Bridget & all of you wonderful HillBuzzers! I really like Rick Santorum and thought he did a great job in Monday’s debate. I wanted to do a new post about why he is the most qualified candidate in the current field, but I got derailed & was deeply saddened by all the hate I saw when I tried to research him. I don’t care what your political ideology is, the degrading defamation of Rick Santorum’s very name IS an attack on our entire society, even our children, because it is now completely unsafe to allow a child to do any sort of online research about candidates for POTUS. This man has children and now their names have become x-rated horrors. The guy behind the atrocity is, ironically, the guy behind the “it gets better” so called anti-bullying campaign that Obama supports & made a video for. An anti-bullying campaign by the most vicious cyber bully in America.
People are rightly outraged against smears of Sarah Palin, but where are the people denouncing the most brutal attack on an American politician ever? Please read & share my post about it:…
I think the lack of coverage of Rick Santorum’s excellent credentials is a direct result of this nasty bullying – people are afraid to even use the man’s name because of what those vile hateful jackals have done. I would even denounce such an attack if it were directed at Obama (who I can’t stand) because it is so over the top evil and cruel. All decent people need to stand up against this, or you’ll see more of the same and not just against RS.

Of course no mention of Santorum is complete without a direct link to the definition of Santorum. We should all spread the definition of Santorum. /

And if you ever wanted to be reminded why this nasty man became associated with a rather nasty substance, this wiki article  should remind you.

In an April 7, 2003 interview with the Associated Press, Santorum stated, “If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right tobigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does.”[13][14][15][16] Santorum further stated that he believed consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts.[17] He stated regarding the concept of marriage within the law, “In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing.”[18][19]


To the Republlicant Santorum fan, this nasty bigot is associated with rather messy slime because like most homophobic Republicants, it is a disgustingly slimy individual.

People will stop linking the Santorum to the slimy messy substance, should that slimy messy substance stop using his place in Party politics as a platform to spread homophobia.

Well there is not that much else you can say about Santorum, it leaves a nasty mess on the sheets and the real one is comfortable in a white one.

There is nothing you can say about Santorum and education policy, Santorum like all Rethugs wants tax cuts for billionaires and services cut for everyone else. Santorum has no real foreign policy except hate everyone.

It is really difficult to write an article about Santorum, the man who makes the Taliban look good on the rights of women and gays

  1. June 15, 2011 at 10:54 pm

    This blogger is delusional to say the least. The voters in his home state of Pennsylvania through his ass out of office, for the stupid shit he was saying. He’s worthless as far as I’m concerned. And for anyone to support him, needs some serious psychiatric help.

    • June 15, 2011 at 11:14 pm

      Most Reoublicans do. How can anyone support a candidate who makes the Taliban look moderate?

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