
Archive for the ‘Republicans’ Category

Republicans boo soldier serving in Iraq and Frothy Mix calls for reinstatement of DADT

September 23, 2011 Leave a comment

Rick Santorum, continues to show that he is nothing but a frothy mix of Theocrat and lunatic calls the abolition of DADT a “social experiment”. He states that gays and lesbians serving in the military are getting special treatment.

I have no idea why all of the Republican field were not given that question. Each and every one should have been given their opportunity to side with bigotry or with gay men and women serving their Country. I know where they would have stood.

The right to fucking life

September 13, 2011 3 comments

Republicants screamed YES when asked should an uninsured man die.

They cheered the fact that people in the richest economy in the World die because of lack of insurance, they called that “freedom”.

They cheered the fact that Perry “legally” murdered nearly 250 people including children and a man innocent of any crime.

Republicants put the military and billionaire tax cuts ahead of feeding the poor.

They talk of getting government out of the lives of people but each and every single one of those Presidential Candidates would legislate what a woman does with HER body because while in the womb life is all important, except of course if it is some sort of “terrorist anchor baby”.

This is the modern GOP. “Anti Terrorist” investigations by a man who helped fund terrorism in the UK. Right to life only while in the womb. Never speak out against them for they will try to silence you.

If you watched the GOP debate and did not feel sick to your stomach you are NOT human and you most certainly are NOT a Christian.

A message to the GOP about Mr. Hoffa

September 7, 2011 4 comments

Firstly, something that musically hits just the right note.

When a Republican gets shot and a Democratic candidate claims to be the victim then we can speak.

When Democratic supporters storm Town Halls with threats of violence then we can talk.

When Democratic supporters bring guns to Town Halls then we can talk.

When Democratic candidates call for “second amendment solutions” then we can talk.

When a Democratic Presidential candidates call for people to be “armed and dangerous” on ANY issue then we can talk.

Meanwhile why don’t you now go away and go back to discussing your corporate talking points. After all, you missed a whole day not talking about tax cuts for the richest. Your hypocrisy is on Youtube

Ban Kevin Dujan from Sidetracks

August 29, 2011 1 comment

From the excellent Snarkopolitan article



Kevin Dujan Erasing Reality Again
When Dujans Attack, Even Deleting Won’t Help You!

Kevin Dujan complaining about deleted comments is like Casey Anthony complaining about bad parenting. But even after the makers of “only@brunch”, a video apparently meant to be shown at his local gay bar, apologized and edited out an offensive remark he complained to them about, they are still the latest targets of his undying wrath, which has stretched now to five  six posts and well over 8,000 10,000 words.**UPDATE** And now includes harassing an anti-bullying charitystarted by famously pro-LGBT straight footballer, Ben Cohen, for the crime of having an upcoming fundraiser at the bar which showed this video two weeks ago.

Let’s cut to the chase immediately: one of the participants in this video made an ill-advised comment about Trig Palin. To be specific, while discussing Michele Bachmann, one man giggled, “She looks like Trig!”  The other men around the table may or may not have heard the comment, which was neither responded to or elaborated on. They continued to talk about Bachmann before moving on to other subjects, and Trig was never brought up again.

That was the whole “attack” in its entirety. It was a mean thing to say, certainly, and stupid. If you nose around Snarkopolitan long enough, you’ll see that from way back, Snarko has no patience with people attacking politicians’ children. Including the children of political opponents. And, it should be needless to say, no patience with attacks on any children, special-needs or not, at all.

 But because the producer of the video has edited out the offending footage, or inch-age, as the line was literally four words, and deliberately avoids repeating them, understandably enough, in his apology, almost nobody knows the extent of the “Attack On Trig Palin,” to whit: barely existent. Which is utterly to Kevin Dujan’s advantage. The less known about what was actually said, the more inflatable it is.

Kevin Dujan Deleting Reality Since Just Ever!

In fact, Dujan’s lovely plans for a leading a crusade in Trig’s name fizzled somewhat when the producer immediately gratified the wishes of anybody who truly wanted satisfaction on behalf of that little boy. Here is the apology posted on theonly@brunch website:
At the beginning of the discussion concerning the Michele Bachmann Newsweek cover, a co-host made an inappropriate reference to Trig Palin, the son of Sarah and Todd Palin.  The comment was tasteless and unjustifiable.  only@brunch, is not and will not be a platform for the deriding or ostracizing of individuals for the way they were born. Nor for the way people chose to celebrate who they are. It is with sincerity, sympathy, and empathy that I apologize on behalf of only @brunch and DowntownCupid Productions for the offensive comment.”

That would seem pretty complete to anyone not utterly dedicated to outrage farming. One of Dujan’s own followers who did see the video before it was edited (as did I),  unwittingly demonstrates that he smells the manure Dujan’s trying to spread, too:

Neil50p· 4 days ago
When I first read your previous post on this and watched the videoI thought the Trig comment wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Then I realized how reflexively he made it, and am sure that was only because they make comments like that all the time. It obviously wasn’t the first time he had used Trig as a punchline. (Emphasis mine)

As a follower of the World’s Crappiest Cult Leader, Neil naturally tries to integrate his cognitive dissonance, but it’s clear his first reaction was “Whuh? You mean that’s it?” Then he adds a little interpretive dance number of his own, and feels better, all dissonance smoothed into a harmonic fantasia in the key of outrage sharp, minor.

The producer of the video acted quickly after the first angry comment by”Hillbuzz”  on his YouTube channel.Dujan himself screencapped the exchange, showing that only@brunch producer Jared Hall took just one day to post his apology on his site and on YouTube.

That didn’t stop Dujan from encouraging his Hillbuzzing devotees to swarm the YouTube comments, including this abusive little item, from somebody who thinks “decent queens” disparage gays who lisp:

Hillbuzzer Abusive Comment Courtesy Of Harvey Bilk

If only this moral indignation had been felt when  Kevin Dujan, back in August of 2010, asked on Hillbuzz, “Should children of a president never be criticized, especially if they are black?”  What on earth about the President’s daughters, who were, I believe, eleven and nine at the time, Dujan wanted to criticize–but was held back by their blackness from doing,  it is beyond the scope of someone who isn’t an Orc to divine.

Dujan later deleted that entire post, perhaps, I’d like to think, as a result of the scrutiny he received here.  But though he can wipe the schmutz off his own site, evidence of his willingness to attack young children of a political opponent exists onother sites (don’t click unless you’re willing to grind your teeth to stumps):

This sounds like the troll that popped up on hillbuzz, shedding bitter tears over comments about the daughters. In reply, I asked sweetly where this defender of childhood was when Sarah Palin’s
children were getting trashed on the left leaning blogs. Never got a response.
. .

Because childhood should only be defended when the child belongs to the right parents.

Dujan admits that “Only@Brunch” did respond to, as he puts it, “great national criticism:” 

Jared Hall and Downtown Cupid productions could have easily edited out the attack on Trig Palin before the show aired; in fact, they’ve subsequently edited this part out of the current YouTube video they have posted (live since 8/21/11) as “Only@Brunch” has received great national criticism for encouraging gay men to bully children (just because they don’t agree with their mothers’ politics).

That “great national criticism” being, of course, ludicrously, his own previous post. He then goes on to hitch up his Crusader tabard and complain about gay mockery of adult conservative Christians, which he describes as “bullying.” Leaving aside the questions of freedom of speech and adults’ ability to shift for themselves, how are we then to view his own spectacularly vicious mockery of Michelle Obama, from her physical attributes, in particular her complexion:

Kevin Dujan Can't Put His Finger On What Is Wrong With Michelle Obama's Face!
to the false “Whitey Tape” rumor he, along with Larry Johnson, promulgated?

By his own definition, Kevin Dujan is a bully par excellence, although he’s spent a lot of time trying to scrub his site of evidence. The infamous Michelle Obama“Whitey Tape” post is gone, although on other sites, once again, theevidence lingers on.  

Likewise, despite his scrubbing, he will always be remembered for his bullying of Shelby, the wife of a soldier KIA in the now deleted infamous USO War Widow Post back in November of 2010. Dujan senselessly attacked her (for not getting off her butt and doing more for the USO!) and, given more than the benefit of the doubt by his eye-rubbing, astonished fans, not only did not apologize, but upped the ante (and a middle finger), comparing himself to Jesus into the bargain.

Kevin Dujan Deleting Reality Since Just Ever!

If Jesus were truly like the Harvey Bilk of Boystown, confessionals would be interchangeable with iron maidens, and penitents would be praying burning rosaries.

Thank goodness Jesus has lower standards than Kevin Dujan.

This is what “austerity measures” do.

August 18, 2011 5 comments

Nations choose to adopt policies that force their public into austerity.

The number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 38,000 to 2.49 million in the three months to June.

This took the jobless rate from 7.7% to 7.9%,the Office for National Statistics said.

The number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance also rose, by 37,100 in July to 1.56 million, its biggest increase since May 2009.

Of course, throwing thousands of public sector workers out of a job and squeezing the ridiculously low welfare benefits of the poorest were always going to lead to more jobs, well maybe if you had swallowed some serious drugs during your economics lessons as a Bullingdon Clubber. After all a riot is acceptable if you can throw the cash back at the place you trashed.

The official figures also showed that between April and June:

  • The youth unemployment rate rose to 20.2%, up from 20% in the quarter to March
  • There were 949,000 16 to 24-year-olds without work, a rise of 15,000
  • The number of unemployed men increased by 18,000 to 1.45 million
  • The level of unemployed women rose by 21,000 to 1.05 million – the highest figure since May 1988
  • The number of employees working part-time because they could not find a full-time job increased by 83,000 to 1.26 million – the highest figure since comparable records began in 1992
  • The unemployment rate remained the highest in the north-east of England, at 10%
  • The south-east of England still had the lowest rate of unemployment, with a rate of 5.8%
  • The unemployment rate in Scotland was unchanged at 7.7%, in Wales it jumped to 8.4%, and in Northern Ireland it crept up to 7.3%
  • Average weekly earnings, including bonuses, were 2.6% higher than a year ago
Just to add to the last point, inflation is nearing 5%.

Meanwhile, in the Countries that decided not to starve their poor, the economy is rebounding very nicely, thank you very much.

When the left sleeps the right wins

The Tea Party protested in support of cuts. There was no answer from the left in America. The largest protest group in the US, with the exception of Wisconsin is the Tea Party, campaigning for their own redundancy notices.

When the Tories attacked social security in the UK there was no protest, sure the middle class and rich protested against student fees (which actually benefit the poorest) but welfare, nowhere.

Austerity budgets lead to more austerity. The great plan for Europe was to ride the wave of a resurgent US and a growing China. Say goodbye to the idea of a resurgent US.

The only budget that would have actually started to cut into the US National Debt would have been that proposed by the Progressive Caucus. It still makes that passed by the right wing UK look “far left” (UK top rate taxes of 50% and a partial removal of the National Insurance (Social Security cap). It was however completely ignored in media debates. The left was represented by the “middle”, that of President Obama. The right was the Tea Party and the middle was somewhere in between the two. A position far more right wing than anything Bush could have proposed.

We can not and should not blame the President for this. The message from November was clear from those selling that message. Cuts are wanted. That is the message that was sent to the President. That is the message Washington heard. That is the message the IMF and the Credit Agencies are forcing down the throat of European Nations.

We scream only at our own side. There has been no effective answer to the right.

There are real alternatives to austerity. Germany reduced their working week. Everyone took a hit but few became unemployed. They are now booming. They have no need to cut their social programmes and they have absolutely no desire to cut their social programmes to bail out Nations who did not do what they did.

In our great Anglo-American Economy, the richest 1% have had their incomes grow massively while those at the bottom are being forced to pay. The top end market for house prices in London has never been higher. The bottom end has collapsed because ordinary people can not get mortgages. Who paid to bail out the banks to save the wealth of the top? Ordinary every day workers.

An Empire died 20 years ago because they gave a higher priority to military spending than spending on their own people. Another Empire is now coming to an end.

This is why America cannot have nice things

August 2, 2011 2 comments

(or even semi crappy underfunded things that at least provide a basic service)

LIEBERMAN: I want to indicate today to my colleagues that Senator Coburn and I are working again on a bipartisan proposal to secure Social Security over the long term, we hope to have that done in time. To also forward to the special committee for their consideration. So, bottom line, we can’t protect these entitlements and also have the national defense we need to protect us in a dangerous world while we’re at war with Islamist extremists who attacked us on 9/11 and will be for a long time to come.

Sorry grannies, we need 1000 of your pensions to buy another missile. Keep on working, the war machine needs your social security.

To Geller,Buchanan, DuJan and the rest of your ilk – I hope you rot in hell for what you have wrought.

July 27, 2011 4 comments

They were children you sick pieces of twisted fuck.

Children. Who had an interest in continuing democracy and freedom. Something you believed in bombing Nations into support of.

They wanted to play their part in the World.

Some may have become future leaders of the Country or even international diplomats.

Your agenda of hate killed them. You have the blood of children on your sick twisted evil claws that you call hands.

You are all one and the same.

Not all right wingers are terrorists but all recent terrorism has been caused by the right.

July 26, 2011 6 comments

Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Jim Adkisson and now spurred on by the likes of Pamela Geller Anders Breivik.

Islamic terrorism is based on a ultra orthodox conservative view of Islam, the very same hate of women, gays and non believers is expressed by the Christian right every day.

American Republicans have funded murderous nations across the World and American Christian Conservatives are behind the kill the gays movement in Uganda.

They of course say that these are all lone nut jobs. There is no link. Yet their spokesmen expressing the most violent of opionions are the ones that get applauded the loudest. I’d have more respect for the American right if their so called “moderates” spoke out against their extremists.

Never forget that the Republican investigating “Islamic extremism” was himself a man who raised money to plant bombs on the streets of England. This is the legacy of Rep. Issa


On June 30th 2012 Pamela Geller proposes funding a cross Europe “crusade” against Muslims.

Oslo, Norway, Europe. 22 July 2012.


“As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.” Pat Buchanan, American Right wing Republican.


Bronze age Mutant Ninja Turtle opts out of debt limit talks

July 12, 2011 4 comments

Bronze Age Mutant Ninja Turtle Mitch McConnell just can not put his name to the destruction of the World economy so desired by the drooling Tea-baggers he helped to elect in 2010.

After swimming through their tongue drippings McConnell has come up with a plan that could avoid him getting shot at by lunatics on his side. The Tea Party Terrorists of course want him hung drawn and quartered as a result and if it were a liberal site, “Red State” would be getting a visit from the men in black. They want him burnt in effigy. Of course as they are Rethugs they are more likely to burn themselves and end up as a blue suicide statistic.

Of course as a Rethug articles like this are perfectly acceptable to “leftist” media CNN.

The current Bronze Age Mutant Ninja Turtle proposal is to revert to from. Deficits do not matter. Even if it is a Democratic President. Republicans would agree to make a series of three debt ceiling votes this year, but the default on each of those votes would be that the debt ceiling would get raised unless the House and Senate denied the move by a 2/3rds vote. And that isn’t likely to happen, which means they all go through.

No cuts. No tax rises. No billionaire tax-loopholes closed. No need for Tea-baggers to propose second amendment solutions.

All proposals to increase the deficit would therefore be blamed on the President. The debt limit would be blamed entirely on the President and the Democratic Party. The Bronze Age Mutant Ninja Turtle could live with what he considers a conscience and happily blame the liberals.